Practical Minds Unite
We have all seen the natural disasters, the man-made disaster and strife. But we are comfortable in our lives, in our towns, states, our country. But disasters do happen here and most of us are unprepared. This video blog is designed to help people prepare for the hardships coming this year.
The economists tell us to expect food disparity, high costs, job loss and a housing and stock crash that will create, at minimum, a recession greater than 2008 and at worst an economic depression of the likes of the great depression. This will add an additional element of potential riots, high crime and we will likely see an increase in mass shootings.
On top of this climate change is creating super storms and vast destruction. Our fault lines are starting to stir as are our volcanos.
Add to that ugly stew, we are threatening our allies and trusting our enemies. We are in the beginning phase of a new government, an Oligarchy run country.
So what to do? Prepare to take care of yourself. While I do not have all the answers I can provide direction on how to do just that. Visit my video blogs on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.
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